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A comprehensive video training program of general instruction for basic 
and advanced skills of flag, movement and weapon in color guard performance



Print Samples



Video Samples


Basic Flag & Movement Workbook Basic Flag & Movement Sample
Advanced Flag & Movement Manual Advanced Flag & Movement Manual
These documents require the Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to be viewed. These videos are highly compressed / low quality samples of the DVDs used with the On Color Guard System



 1. Positive attitude

  2. Self-motivation

  3. Marching experience



Learn all the different types of drums.

Obviously, you will be looking at drums, but there are different kinds of drums that make up a set. Keep in mind that there are different brands, sizes, sticks used, and different tunings among other slighter modifications that will affect the overall sound of each instrument. Here is a list of drums that you will find in almost every drum set you see:




 1. Positive attitude

  2. Self-motivation

  3. Marching experience

  4. Willing to learn and to be trained



Meet dedicated team of majorettes

A girl or woman who twirls a baton with a marching band.
A girl or woman who leads a marching band.



Qualified majorettes must possess the following qualities: 

 1. Positive attitude

  2. Self-motivation

  3. Height: atlist 5'4 and above

  4. Marching experience

  5. A girl who twirls a baton 

  6. Willing to learn and to be trained


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